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Community, Interrupted: Reflections on a Paradigm Shift and the Role of the Adult in Adolescent Communities
Regina Feldman, program director of Metro Montessori Middle School at Childpeace Montessori, reflects on the paradigm shifts between adolescents and the adults who support them in the years since the start of the pandemic.
Updates from Beechworth Montessori Adolescent Program
Orientation graduate Laureen Barnard shares a reflection of the shift to eLearning at Beechworth Montessori Adolescent Program in Victoria, Australia!
Working In Collaboration with Adolescents and Their Families
Course lecturer and advisor Pat Ludick encourages practitioners to connect with parents AND adolescents as learning shifts back into the home.
Adaptability and Flexibility
Orientation graduate and Administrative Consultant Gena Engelfried discusses her investigation of tools for helping adolescents pursue connection and self-expression in the new digital landscape.
Supporting Montessori Education Online
John Buzzard shares how he’s transitioning his Upper School Integrated Humanities projects to a distance learning model…
Updates from Denver Montessori Junior/Senior High School
An Update from Denver Montessori Junior/Senior High School in Denver, Colorado!