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Integrating the Language Arts

Language: The universal human tendency to communicate and associate; the human capacity we are born with to help us adapt to our group in time and place; the partner to work of the hand and sensory experience in forming conceptual understanding; the vehicle for sharing human culture; the thread of connection between individuals as personal self-expression.

There is nothing more central to human nature and the human experience than language. Using, refining, and expanding language is essential in every area of life and study for the adolescent.

How do we make that happen? Formal, informal, structured, spontaneous? What works when?

How do we collaborate with other adults in our communities to weave language study and practice into all areas of work with adolescents?

How do we keep track of language practice and study?

Come share your experiences and ideas with fellow practitioners—new and seasoned.

December 8

Integrating the Language Arts

December 19

Integrating the Language Arts