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The Whole of Human History: Integrating the Story of Humans

Maria Montessori charges us with a colossal task in sharing the cumulative culture of humans with adolescents: "The study of the history of mankind. This should be treated as far as possible as a complete whole, from which special periods can be chosen for individual study." We are united as a species on the planet, and we share commonalities in the story of the human endeavor--but we also have the heritage of many peoples and their unique stories, each worthy of our attention. How many stories? With what process? How do we remain inclusive and respectful? Share our local history as well as the varied stories of many cultures?

Join us for a dialogue about sharing the stories of humans with adolescents.

*Please note: This event is scheduled for 1pm Eastern Daylight Time—due to Daylight Savings which occurs on March 14th in the US. Be sure to check your local time!

March 16

The Whole of Human History: Integrating the Story of Humans

April 16

Transitions, Rituals, and Ceremonies for Adolescents