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Transitions, Rituals, and Ceremonies for Adolescents

Transitions are the energy of life moving forward, and we often mark them with rituals—graduations, ceremonies, parties, gifts, and celebratory words of reflection and vision.  We took such rituals for granted before the pandemic and pivoted with creativity and compassion when they needed to take on different form—or be put aside altogether.

What does this year hold for the time-honored need to recognize change and celebrate transition for our adolescents?  Pandemic or not, carefully considering how to help children and adolescents make transitions with scaffolding, introspection, and grace is part of our work to “aid life.” Join us for a conversation on what our role of support might be as journeys continue in and beyond our communities this year.

March 27

The Whole of Human History: Integrating the Story of Humans

April 20

Transitions, Rituals, and Ceremonies for Adolescents